What is Autocross?
Autocross (also called “Solo”, “Auto-x” or “Autoslalom”) is a timed competition in which drivers navigate one at a time through a defined course on either a sealed or an unsealed surface. It is a form of motorsports that emphasizes safe competition and active participation. Autocross differs from road racing and oval racing in that generally there is only one car on the track, racing against the clock rather than other cars. As an entry-level motorsport it provides a stepping stone for drivers looking to move into other more competitive and possibly expensive forms of racing (such as rallying, rallycross and circuit racing).
Autocross Events
The MG club hosts several autocross events each year, usually from May through September. Events are open to club members and non-members. Our events are fun, safe and laid back. For more information contact the Director of Motorsport.
Driver Training
The MG Club puts on a two-day driver training course at the beginning of each season. The course consists of one day of classroom instruction and one day on the track to learn how your car handles and to practice techniques. Although the course is not mandatory it is highly recommended for new drivers. Many club members take the course every year as the track day portion provides a lot of seat time and instruction from seasoned drivers.