Soupçon Run
April 14, 2024 Soupçon to Randy & Heather’s Place
Meet: 10:15am Tim Horton’s, Save on Foods Shopping Centre, 3501 Ravine Way.
ARRIVE BY 10:15am RUN STARTS: 10:30am
Leave parking lot to turn Left onto Blanshard St.
Left onto Saanich Rd., right lane to veer into Tattersall Rd.
Left at Blenkinsop Rd. (Maplewood Rd. is at same intersection to right), carry on, into Cordova Bay Rd., into Fowler Rd., into Sayward Rd., through the traffic light Left onto Hamsterly Rd.
Right onto Brookleigh Rd.
Right onto Oldfield Rd.
Right onto Keating Cross Rd.
Left onto Veyaness Rd.
Left onto East Saanich Rd.
Through Saanichton
Left onto Haldon Rd., into Thomson Pl.
Right onto Mt. Newton Cross Rd.
Right onto West Saanich Rd.
Left onto Ardmore Dr.
Left onto Glenelg Ave., veer right with Glenelg Ave.
Left onto West Saanich Rd.
Left onto Downey Rd.
Right onto Madrona Rd., into Birch Rd
Left onto Chalet Rd., into Land’s End Rd.
Right onto Woodcreek Dr.
Arrived! 616 Woodcreek Drive – Randy & Heather ????