
In 1981, a group of Vancouver Island MG enthusiasts came together to found the Victoria MG Club. Sharing their tips, tricks and love of the little British car with a big heart, and a lot of pickup, they continued to grow and pass on the love of the MG to new generations for over 30 years.

Today the club has members all over the area and continues to share resources and skills to ensure the MG continues to be a sight on Victoria area roads.

Members get the weekly club email newsletter, which includes a calendar of events, cars and parts for sale, personal reflections, technical articles and discount offers for Victoria MG members.

Our Founding Member

Jackie Beaudoin

Club Executive 

 President: Malcolm Ives president@victoriamgclub.ca
Vice President: Gayle Adams  
Treasurer: Rob Draeseke treasurer@victoriamgclub.ca
Secretary: Maurice Emery secretary@victoriamgclub.ca
Director of Events: Tim Marks events@victoriamgclub.ca 
Director of Motorsport: David Shepherd motorsport@victoriamgclub.ca 
Director of Membership Stu Moore  membership@victoriamgclub.ca


Appointments and Volunteers


Newsletter Editor: Patricia Sparks newsletter@victoriamgclub.ca
Webmaster: Lorne Mitchell webmaster@victoriamgclub.ca
Historian: Position Vacant
NOTM (North of the Malahat) Ice Cream Runs: Malcom Baster notm@victoriamgclub.ca


Monthly Club Meetings

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month on ZOOM.

Links to the meetings are sent to members and other interested folks by email in advance of the meeting.

Mailing Address

Victoria MG Club, C/O Rob Draeseke, 405-105  Gorge Road East, Victoria, BC, Canada V9A 6Z3

Club Disclaimer

All advice, parts and services provided are presented in good faith.

No liability will be assumed by the Victoria MG Club.

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the executive, nor the Victoria MG Club.

Members’ cars are not only from the MG marque but also from other British marques such as Austin, Jaguar, Morris, Triumph, etc.

MG ownership is not a requirement for joining the club, only your enthusiasm for the marque is needed.

Current club membership is over 70 members.

The Victoria MG Club is affiliated with the MG Owners Club, the North American MGB Register, the North American MGA Register and the Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs.