If you hadn’t already guessed the Victoria MG Club will be holding its first slalom on June 22 at Western Speedway. 

Registration for the event can be done through Motorsportreg (http://msreg.com/VMGC2019-1) or at the track.

The cost will be $40 for MG Club members and $50 for non-members.                                                                                                                        

As usual, cars will need to be licensed and insured for the street.

Tech inspections will start at 9:00 AM and we expect to start the first runs at 10:30 with final runs completed by 2:30 PM.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in this event but who may not have received this notice please let them know or have them get in touch with Dave Shepherd at David_Shepherd@telus.net.

Spectators, volunteers, and hecklers are more than welcome.

To register, head to: http://msreg.com/VMGC2019-1  Go quickly as spots will fill up soon!